
The most incredible stories, the most magnificent examples of human connection, strength, and beauty are not taught in books or schools...they are experienced by living richly.  When I put on a backpack, pick up my camera, and step squarely past my comfort zone, I am home in the world.  The beauty of the Human Spirit is visible in culture, ritual, and people.  It is seen in the struggles we overcome and the love, compassion, and generosity we share.  My greatest wish is that I may honor the people who generously share a beautiful part of themselves with me.  Through my photography, my hope is to give back to the wonderful people and cultures I've experienced by sharing their stories with a larger world.

Projects / Series

  • Portraits of Cambodia (Book/Exhibition)
  • Peace Corps: A Day in the Life
  • Botswana: The Shabeens
    • Bhutan: Gross National Happiness at Work